This year for Christmas Miss Broadway has helped her KS3 classes make a fractal Christmas tree! They had to use glue, tape and scissors to cut the green Sierpinski triangle fractal patterns out, red Menger Sponge square patterns and Koch Snowflakes. Then they glued the cut out shapes together to create 3D tetrahedrons and cubes. These were stuck together to make a tree trunk, the trees leaves and a star for the top !
As one of her Yr 8’s I found this a fun experience making the tree as it was very complex and detailed. It was interesting to learn about fractals. Just in case you didn't know a fractal is a repeated pattern that leads to self-similarity. They repeat an infinite number of times and when you zoom in on one part it is the same as the original view. They are useful in modelling structures (such as snowflakes) in which similar patterns recur at progressively smaller scales, and in describing partly random or chaotic phenomena such as crystal growth and galaxy formation. (Zach Wade, 8I)