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Visit from The Manx Wildlife Trust
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This morning we were delighted to welcome to Year 12 assembly Beth Penhallurick, the Education Officer for The Manx Wildlife Trust. Our Sixth Form have elected The Manx Wildlife Trust to be their charity of the year. Beth gave a really interesting talk on the work of the trust, including an interac…

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Lego STEM ePraise reward.
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Students were able to use their ePraise points to access a Lego STEM session. Students built a variety of vehicles which they programmed so they were able to control their movements and included lights and sounds. Students demonstrated excellent creativity and problem solving skills. A thoroughly e…

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Year 13 Tax Seminar
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Many thanks to Andrea Gilmore from the Treasury Department Tax Office who gave a talk to our Year 13 students about understanding tax and insurance. Our students had indicated that this was an area they would like to know more about, so we really appreciate Andrea's time.

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Lit in Colour Pioneers
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LIt in Colour is a programme run by Pearson UK, Penguin Books and The Runnymede Trust to promote diversity in the English Literature Curriculum.The aim of this programme is ‘to increase student access to more books by writers of colour.’ This project aims to support British schools ‘to make the tea…

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Criminology students visit Courts of Justice
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Our two classes of Year 13 Criminology students had an insightful experience visiting the Isle of Man Summary Courts both this week and last week. The trip offered a unique opportunity to observe real life legal proceedings, providing an up-close look at how the justice system operates. Students at…

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Autumn Concert
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Our Autumn Concert takes place on Thursday 24th October at 7pm at St. Ninian's Lower School. This is always a lovely evening and we would like to invite you to this celebration of musical talent. There is no charge for this event.

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