Booking a facility

Lettings of facilities Wednesday 4th September 2024—Tuesday 18th July 2025

Any group, club or individual interested in letting the school sports and other facilities from Wednesday 4th September 2024—Tuesday 18th July 2025 should either refer to the school website or contact the school on 648800 for further information. Please note all parties who have existing bookings for 2023-2024 must make new applications. All completed booking requests should be submitted by Monday 8th July 2024, to our lettings department.

We want our students to benefit from your involvement in our school.

We hope your societies/groups will benefit from our student involvement.

We hope the community will benefit from this co-operation.


Please use the forms at the bottom of this page to make a booking. Please make sure for Long Term lettings you tick if you would like to run through the school holidays.


Use of other partner venues e.g. NSC.

We are not a Sports Centre.

All booking must conform to the Terms & Conditions 2023-24


Costs are as stipulated by Dept. of Education, Sport & Culture, not by St. Ninian’s High School.

Toilets will be available, however, in Education there is a charge for use of changing rooms.

Costs quoted for 2024/25 include VAT, Junior rate is up to 50% cheaper than Senior rate and commercial rate.

The hiring price for astro pitch is the same price as the NSC.

*prices may be subject to change.

Things to consider:

School Events, there are only a few, but these will take precedent. We will inform you of these when your booking is confirmed.

Sites will not open Bank Holidays.

There will be some restrictions in school holidays.

We will always do our best to help!

Lower School bookings:

Weekday evenings 6pm – 9pm

Saturdays 9am – 5pm

Sunday dependent upon demand.


We hope our lettings will bring the school and local communities together. In addition more sports people, dancers, actors, artists will develop as a result.


Lettings Prices September 2022

Long Term Lettings Form 24/25 Short Term Lettings Form 24/25

Lettings Terms & Conditions 2022-23