There are several ways of communicating with the school. The most efficient means are via the Student Planner or email. In most instances your first point of contact will be your child’s Tutor. However, at times you may feel it more appropriate to contact other members of the teaching or support team. Please follow the guide below and refer to the staffing information on the 'Our Team' page under the 'Information' section.

If you would like to discuss:

School work
General Homework
Academic progress
Problems in the teaching groups

Contact the form tutor in the first instance and should you still have concerns or wish to escalate your issue please then contact the relevant Head of Year.

Should you have a query or concerns in a specific subject area Contact your child's relevant Subject Teacher and then the relevant Subject Leader.

Should you feel that your concern is serious and only a senior member of staff can deal with the issue

Contact one of the Assistant Head Teachers on the relevant site and then the relevant Deputy Head Teacher.

If you feel your concern is still not resolved, you can then contact Mr. Coole, Head Teacher.

Should you have an emergency that requires you to come into school immediately

Please go straight to the main reception on the relevant site.

If your child is unable to attend school

Please phone the student absence line as soon as you know your son/daughter will not be able to attend school (01624 648800). All absences from school need to be followed up with a letter from the parent/guardian.

If you have a problem logging into Parentpay or queries regarding payment for trips

Contact the School Office: Upper School on 648800, Lower School on 648900 or via email (

If you have a general query

Contact the School Office on: Upper School on 648800, Lower School on 648900 or via email (

For all communications regarding safeguarding issues contact

Designated Safeguarding Lead – Miss J. White, Deputy Head Teacher (based at Lower School)

Or in her absence, any of the other Senior Leaders at the school

Mr. Coole and other Senior Leaders will always be available to talk with you at Parents' Evenings