Entering the world of post-16 education is a very exciting time for a young person as you begin to specialise in subjects that might lead to higher education and a professional career.

Our Sixth Form is a great place to study for your A Level qualifications and through our broad curriculum students are able to select a wide variety of subjects.

Our Sixth Form is a place to broaden knowledge and experience and to develop leadership skills through a variety of extra-curricular activities.

The step up from GCSE to A Level, and associated level 3 courses, is widely acknowledged as the greatest a young person is likely to make in education. Therefore it is crucial that you select the qualifications that are right for you and that you make a well informed choice, having gathered all the information available about each course, the entry requirements and possible future pathways.

Studying for A Levels and other Level 3 qualifications is very different from GCSE. Students need to complete a significant amount of independent study outside the classroom and the ability to manage your time effectively is pivotal. It is important to remember that your admission into Year 12 is dependent upon your academic performance in Year 11 and your willingness to respond positively to what St Ninian’s offers.

We look forward to welcoming our students back, along with any students wishing to join SNHS family from other schools, once you have successfully completed your GCSE’s. In the meantime, continue to make sure you work hard to achieve the grades you are capable of. I trust you will find this booklet useful in helping you to make your choices for the Sixth Form.

Sixth Form options evening videos

1. Introduction from Headteacher 2. What's on offer at SNHS 3. Pastoral and Enrichment
4. Progression pathways 5. The process

Applications from St. Ninian’s students. (Internal students)

Please fill in an application form and submit it to the Sixth Form Team by Friday 1st March, ensuring that all sections of the form are completed. Along with this can you also log on to the Online Options Portal in order to indicate your areas of interest. Information about how to do this has been emailed home by our admin team.

Application Form (Internal Applicants)

Applications from external students

Please fill in an application form and bring to St. Ninian’s on GCSE Results Day (Thursday 22nd August) along with a copy of your results. We will then arrange an interview for you with our Sixth Form Team. If you have any questions prior to this, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Application Form (External Applicants)