Student Personal Mobile Digital Devices

Personal Mobile Devices should not be seen, heard or used in school.

They must be switched off and put away all day when on school site.

The term ‘Personal Mobile Digital Devices’ refers to a student’s personal mobile smart phone, smart watch, tablet or associated technology such as ear pods.

The exceptions to this are:

• Students with medical needs requiring the use of a mobile device (such as diabetics)

• Students with recognised additional needs who require the use of a mobile device as a reasonable adjustment, as agreed with the Progress Zone and Parents

• Sixth Form students in the 6th Form area only

• Where a teacher has directed a student to use their device in order to complete a task related to the learning in the lesson (must be switched off immediately after completion)

Misuse of mobile devices in school is dealt with under the school Behaviour (Ready to Learn) policy. If a student is found using a mobile device anywhere on school site, they can expect to be issued with a mobile device misuse demerit in ePraise and a S3 intervention by any member of staff. If this takes place in a classroom, they will also immediately be asked to place the device on the teacher’s desk for the duration of the lesson. Ear pods are deemed to be an extension of the use of a mobile device so are included as ‘mobile device use’ in this regard. If a student refuses to hand over their mobile device in the classroom, they will be issued with a S4 and removed from the lesson

Persistent issues with mobile devices will be monitored by the Pastoral Team and concerns will be escalated, parents informed resulting in them not being permitted to have their device in school for a period of time.

Where a student on a mobile phone ban is seen with a phone in school, staff will inform a senior member of staff who will ensure that the device is removed and parents contacted to collect it from school.

Serious misuse of Personal Mobile Devices:

• If a student is suspected to have used their mobile device for inappropriate behaviour such as bullying or taking photographs without permission, it may be removed from them and returned to their parents following a discussion about their behaviour.

• If a student is suspected to have any evidence on their mobile device relating to criminal activity or a safeguarding concern, it will be removed from them, their pin number logged, turned into flight safe mode and held securely in the school safe pending collection by the Police. The Designated Safeguarding Lead, Deputy DSL or a member of Senior Team will manage any such incident. The School is unable to return any mobile device to the student or parents if the matter has been reported to the Police and is awaiting investigation. The school is not responsible for mobile devices once they have been handed to the Police and any further communication would need to be between Police and parents. Students will also receive guidance around the safe use of mobile devices and social media in computing lessons, assemblies and through the PSHE programme.