Amelia Kopacz (Y10) had the pleasure of taking part in the opening of the 'Blein Yn Ellan Ain' Garden in St John's on Monday 25th of June.

The Garden opening was part of the ‘2018 Year of Our Island’ project where children from 17 Manx schools were invited to design a garden that would be a celebration of IOM UNESCO biosphere status and would portray what makes the Isle of Man a special place for them to live.

The event was well attended, and His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor Sir Richard Gozney and Chief Minister Hon Howard Quayle MHK were kind enough to perform the formal opening.

After winning Manx Folk Awards earlier this year with her “Our Island” poem, Amelia was asked to read it on this special celebration. The poem was described as a ‘thought provoking’ and warmly received by the present guests.

Amelia’s poem available on Culture Vannin website

'Our Island' by Amelia Kopacz