If you have not yet already got a school tie or a blazer badge this message is just to let you know new ones are available for purchase from the School Office at the Upper School site. The ties are £5 and the blazer badges are £4. The office is open Monday to Friday from 8am to 3pm so just call in. Please be assured that all ties and badges in current circulation can be used this coming academic year so there is no need to go out and get another one if you already have one. This message is primarily for parents of Year 6 students and those existing students who require a new one.
All other school uniform items are available from Promenade T-Shirts and you can of course purchase a blazer from them with the school badge already embroidered on.
If you have any further queries about school uniform do not hesitate to contact our school office.
New School Ties & Blazer Badges available