The Core Skills Enterprise Project is a competition kindly sponsored by Manx Telecom for our Year 8 students.
The task is to find a gap in the market, create a product, market it, sell it and present their project to a group of judges.
Students are placed into groups of four and are loaned £30 to spend on materials. At the end of the project they have to give the £30 back to the school, but are allowed to keep their profits
This year, students had stalls at the Christmas Fair, sold to family, friends and to students in school.
Finally, students set up their exhibition stalls and the judges visited each stall questioning students about:
their ideas
working as a team
their roles and responsibilities within the group
the management of the task
how they developed their ELLI Dimensions in Resilience, Creativity, Learning Relationships and Strategic Awareness.
Many thanks to all the judges for their time, expertise and input about the world of business.
Martin Blackburn, Mike Loundes, Francis Thoday, Craig Drummond and Paul Wiseman (Barclays Bank), Clare Henwood (Search and Select), Jamie Blair (Roots), Joseph Miranda (Zurich) and Marg McGee (Manx Telecom)
Well done to all the students who took part, Especially Wooden Wows, Stand Up, Crazy Creations and Wicked Worms!
Mrs K Hunter
Lead Teacher of Core Skills