Following a decision announced by the Minister of Education, Sport and Culture on 8th March, all GCSE, IGCSE, A Level and BTEC Level 1,2 3 examinations have now been cancelled in IOM schools during the Summer Term 2021 and grades will instead be determined by schools for students completing their courses in Year 11 and 13. This is also part of the national picture over in the United Kingdom as well as many other countries around the world and is the result of the impact of the Covid-19 global pandemic on education systems.
Different Examination Boards will refer to these grades using different terms (Centre Determined Grades, School Assessed Grades or Teacher Assessed Grades) but the processes used to award grades will be similar to ensure that grading is fair.
Schools, as Examination Centres, will determine evidence based grades under the rules specified by the different Examination Boards they work with. Examination Boards (as the Awarding Bodies) will check these grades once they have been submitted by undertaking moderation processes across their centres. Examination Boards will then award these moderated grades to students during an early August results period.
If you are a student in Year 11 or 13 keep doing your best with the work that your teachers set you and please remember you are not the only one in this position. Your subject teachers will be able to give you more information about the pieces of work they will use to support grading as more detail is released by Examination Boards over the coming weeks.
More general information about how qualification grades will be awarded this year can be found here