We are delighted to welcome Isle Listen back into school this year to support our students and parents.

Isle Listen in schools is an early intervention and prevention mental health charitable initiative for students, designed to support their mental health and wellbeing in the following ways:

Classroom based group sessions

50-minute sessions exploring specific topics linked to mental health in an age appropriate and interactive way.


Short, focussed presentations to remove the stigma surrounding mental health and highlight its importance as being equal to physical health.

One-to-One Listening Service

Working on a one-to-one basis, our listening and therapy teams help students manage their own mental health in a safe space.

Mental Health Up-skilling and Facilitated Discussions for teachers and parents

To effectively support students, we need to engage with parents, carers and teaching staff, in order to create a wrap-around approach.

Therapeutic Support

Our team of qualified therapists are able to provide a higher level of support if required.

Emergency Response

In the event of a serious incident, our team are able to provide responsive support in a variety of ways to support staff and students who have been affected.

Please do not hesitate to contact school if you feel that your child would benefit from some one to one support.

A guide to Isle Listen Services