Year 7 enjoyed a great morning with Manx Care raising awareness of Restart a Heart Day. If you have an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in the UK you have less than a one in ten chance of surviving. The objective of the sessions was to get students talking and equip them with the confidence and skill to identify a cardiac arrest and attempt to save a life. The staff from Manx Care educated our Year 7 to know that when someone collapses and stops breathing, it is important to quickly call 999, perform hands-only CPR and use a defibrillator. Students showed much interest and fully played their part when it came to transferring what they had learnt using the manikins and training defibs practically. Particular highlights for the students were helping ‘Choking Charlie’ and the CPR app competition where students were achieving 99% competency when measuring chest compression depth, rate and recoil over 1 minute which was very encouraging.

Thank you very much to Manx Care for joining us and the raised awareness means many more of our young people may better help save a life should they find themselves in a real-life situation.


Head of Year 7

