Our Year 7 cohort have made a great start at St. Ninian’s High School and adapted well to secondary school life. I am very proud to lead these students and we celebrated the end of our Autumn Term with a rewards assembly. Our many and varied rewards are available to all students each term and I have challenged the students to ‘play their part’ in the Spring Term.

Ready to Learn

166 of our Year 7’s (78%) were rewarded for their exemplary behaviour throughout the Autumn Term. To consistently meet our expectations in both classroom and social areas over a term is an achievement we feel deserves recognition!

Alpha Group

42 students (20%) joined the Year 7 Alpha Group for achieving an excellent average Skill rating of 2.45+ across all subjects in their Interim 1 Report. Skills are recorded 1-3 in the following areas: Self-awareness, Emotional intelligence, Self-motivation and Learning Power.

Expert Learners

23 students excelled in the ‘Learning Power’ skill of their Autumn Report which is celebrated jointly with Year 8 and Year 9 students at our KS3 Rewards Breakfast.

100% Attendance

Whilst acknowledging how attendance has been impacted in these challenging times I still wanted to mention the 22 students (10%) who achieved 100% attendance in the Autumn Term.

Sportsperson of the Term

Year 7 have fully embraced sport at St. Ninian’s and we enjoy celebrating their performances, attitude, improvement and commitment in assembly. Following successful seasons in Rugby, Hockey and Cross-country season our top sportspersons were named.

Playing their PART

A fantastic group of Year 7 boys have taken it upon themselves to help make the school a cleaner place. They requested equipment to litter pick around school during social times and have been doing this almost daily over the last few weeks. The site staff thanked the boys with a festive treat.


7 students received card games following a prize draw based on teacher nominations for motivated students. A further 2 students won an Amazon Echo Dot and Amazon Echo Show from our termly Epraise prize draw.

Thank you to parents/guardians for your continued support and congratulations to our amazing Year 7 students on a successful Autumn Term.

Season’s Greetings and best wishes for the New Year from the Year 7 team.

Mr J Cretney

Head of Year 7 | Teacher of Computing






