Last term Year 8B, 8F, 8G and 8J were working on the Manx Telecom Enterprise Project

Manx Telecom sponsor the project, giving each group £30 to develop a product to sell. Students (where possible) source their materials locally, create their product and then sell it. They work in teams of five or six developing the ELLI Dimensions throughout the project.

They worked incredibly hard and were very successful.

We would like to thank David Roberts, Craig Drummond, Francis Thoday, Stuart Foster, Joseph Miranda (Utmost International), Calvin Fayle (Fayle Safe Security), John McBride (Manx Motorcycle Club), and Paul Wiseman (Barclays Bank) for giving up their time to come into school to judge the project. Without them, students would miss out on the opportunity to discuss their projects and get relevant feedback

This year, for the first time, students chose to support SARDA (Search and Rescue Dogs Association) an Isle of Man charity, giving 50% of their profits which was £90.

The photo below is of representatives from the winning teams “Custom Keychains” 8B, “Stocking Stuffers” 8F, “SG Christmas Trees” 8G and “Jingle Jars” (8J)

Thank you to Mr Makins, Miss Clucas and Mrs Hunter for their support of the students.