Our last day at Edge Hill University. I have to thank Niamh, Caitlyn, Tom and the Student Ambassadors for their hosting skills, help, guidance and support throughout the week. It has been such a memorable time, one that will last forever, so we thank you for welcoming us onto your campus and allowing us to stay with you for the week. You guys are ace!

So, 7:30am, slightly overcast, we all headed over for breakfast before returning for the room checks. It is always surprising what some people forgot to put back in their suitcase; the odd sock, a t-shirt, a shoe, toiletries, to name but a few, with some claiming “I didn’t see that on the floor” but this is the first year nobody left anything (or did they?). After the room checks, it was back to the HUB for our packed lunches, a wave goodbye to the EHU Team and a group photo before heading straight onto the coaches for a 9:00am departure.

We made our way to the University of Liverpool for 10:00am to be met by the fantastic Becky, Keiran and their team. We headed into one of the lecture theatres to hear from Keiran who discussed “the pro’s and con’s of HE” and “why choose Liverpool?”. The presentation was very detailed and our students gained a lot from it, especially when the floor was opened up for questions. The Student Ambassadors were excellent and provided the students with many thought-provoking answers, many of which were discussed in further detail on the campus tours. Our students explored many of the building and managed to see the facilities close up. We have to thank Becky and the team for once again hosting us for the morning – our students had a wonderful time.

The short journey to Liverpool John Moores University meant we we there in 15 minutes, where we met Dave and his team. Again, another superb visit as our students headed into one of the more impressive lecture theatres to listen to a talk on “student life in Liverpool” and “Why choose LJMU?”. The talk was insightful and our students (now well-versed) asked a multitude of questions to Dave and the Student Ambassadors, with all answers helping guide our students in their future decisions! We dashed off onto a campus tour, which took in a significant amount of the city and allowed the students to explore some of the buildings in more detail, including the accommodation. Another superb visit and we take our hats off to LJMU for welcoming us once again – we thoroughly enjoyed it!

It was then off to the Sea Terminal for a bag drop before heading into Liverpool One for the final shopping opportunity and to try out Gravity Max.

We all met for the boat at 6:00pm, with many half shut eyes and tired legs, we headed to the lounge were many almost nodded off, before it was our call to board the boat. The journey home was calm and although many of us were tired, we finished the week with a few card games. A late departure meant we arrived home at around 11:00pm…

Well, what a week. It was one the best we’ve held for quite some time and as mentioned in a previous post, all students are a credit to their families; continually polite, well-mannered and respectful – I genuinely hope they all enjoyed the week as much as I did. Every single University commented on how fantastic our students were. As they say, some visits last a day or a week but the memories will last a lifetime.

I can only thank you for being absolutely brilliant all week – well done – you made me proud to be your Head of Sixth Form!

Mr S