70 Spanish students and their teachers will be arriving on the Isle of Man from 18th February to 9th March 2018. The intention is that the Spanish students stay with host families and also shadow their new friend's timetable in school. Their English skills will improve and also, no doubt, the Manx host students will develop their Spanish skills as well. There are a number of experiences for the Spanish and Manx students to enjoy which teach about the Island concentrating upon it's Historical, Cultural, Natural and Sporting heritage. In addition there is a special learning day where world renowned educationalist, Dave Harris, will lead students in discovering some of the most up to date initiatives in learning research.

Further information can be found here:- Spanish Flyer. We have spoken to students in schools so you may well have heard about this already. To sign up contact keithjameseducation@gmail.com or ring Andy Fox on 495830.

We have meetings of parents coming up soon so if you are interested but want to know more do get in touch and we will let you know about the meeting dates and times.

We hope you are interested in the project and look forward to meeting you and discussing it further.

Many Thanks,

Andy Fox and Keith James

Language Immersion Project - Island Organisers