Last week students entered into the spirit of World Book Day by dressing up as characters from their favourite books and entering the competitions devised by the English Department.

Costume winners:

1st Prize: Jessica Dempsey (Gangsta Granny)

2nd Prize: Tristan Stewart (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)

3rd Prize: Juliana Kopacz (Mary Poppins)


Runners-up: Ellis Charles; William Shooter; Libby Delaney; Craig Hill; Sapphire Ashcroft


For our ’Tweet a story in 280 characters” competition, Cynara Westcott-Ugaide won 2nd prize (pictured below)


1st prize went to Rebecca Park and 3rd prize went to Chris Karezis. The runner-up was Racheal Kelly

For our "Design a book cover" competition.

1st prize: Minkie-Lea Rutherford

2nd Prize: Natasha Harris-Burland

3rd prize: Luca-Milan Beck
