Amidst all that is currently going on, it is easy to forget that our School was externally validated on the 11th & 12th of March and the final report is published on Tuesday 31st March.

The external validation team focused on three areas of the School Self Review and Evaluation document and concurred with all judgements.

The validation team concurs with the school’s judgment that Personal Development is ‘effective’ overall.

The validation team concurs with the school’s judgment that Teaching for Learning is ‘effective’ overall and has elements of ‘very effective’.

The validation team concurs with the school’s judgment that Partnerships with Parents/Carers should be judged as ‘very effective’ overall.

Other Areas Considered

As well as the three specific aspects of the SSRE on which it focused, the validation team also considered other judgments and statements set out in the SSRE. It concurred with several of these, including:

  • The senior leadership team has spearheaded a new vision and focus for the school which has

    helped it to make progress in the past 3 years

  • Attainment at the end of Key Stage 4 is very effective
  • Achievement against Prior Attainment from the end of Key Stage 4 to the end of Key Stage 5 is

    well above the Island average

  • All staff have the opportunity to work with peers to develop strategies that directly impact on

    classroom practice

  • Staff are expected to learn in cross-curricular groups carrying out evidence-based research to

    inform effective classroom practice

  • Senior and middle leaders systematically gather evidence to inform school improvement planning
  • Training for teachers has been provided to ensure there is understanding of the principles of

    metacognition, growth mindset and brain development

  • The provision of support and guidance to pupils is effective
  • The school works hard to nurture every pupil’s healthy development, aspirations and


  • Relationships between pupils and pupils and teachers across the school are very good.

In addition, the validation team is pleased to note that behaviour is very good across the school.


The school knows itself well and is in a good position to continue on its school improvement journey.

The full report can be found here: SNHS EXTERNAL VALIDATION REPORT 2020