A team – What a game of two halves! For the first two quarters we really didn’t turn up and conceded try after try. All that was missing was desire. After a half time team talk and some honest words as a group, the lads came out raring to go and showed how well they can play. Offloading the ball, competing in rucks and taking responsibility.

Try scorers – George Leece, Liam Blake, Louis Piggin

MotM – Jack Cowin

B team – Wow! The effort, determination and hard work paid off massively in this game. All the lads can look back on this game with immense pride. Working together really well as a team and being supportive to each other. It was great to see everything we have been working on over the last few weeks pay off for us all at once. Brilliant individual runs, superb team tries, outstanding tackles, competing for the ball – well done to everyone!

Try scorers – Harrison Chambers (4), Connor Madsen-Mygdal (4) Harvey Carr (3), Oran Molloy (2), Zohar Shalem (2) Rannan Russell (1).

MotM – Harvey Carr

Mr S Makins