Last Wednesday saw the final event of the JA Company Programme with the annual awards dinner at the Villa Marina.

All of our Year 12 student companies were present at a thoroughly memorable evening to see SNHS take home 8 of the 12 awards on offer during the evening with Panthera, and Tot3ly coming in 2nd and 3rd place respectively overall. One of our Business mentors, Ed Walter also picked up ‘Mentor of the Year’ working alongside SNHS group, Revolution. This was St. Ninian’s most successful evening in terms of number of awards won for many years. A huge congratulations to all groups for taking part in the JA Company Programme and for setting incredibly high standards across all teams this year.

The Award winners were:

Strix Award for Outstanding TEAM MEMBER – Jerry Yao from Panthera

Zurich - Isle of Man Award for INSPIRATIONAL LEADERSHIP – Dominic Hubble from Panthera

Maggie Galloway Memorial Award for BEST TRADE STAND – Panthera

Junior Achievement STUDENTS' CHOICE AWARD – Panthera

Continent 8 Technologies Award for BEST USE OF MARKETING – Tot3ly

Positive SOCIAL IMPACT Award – Tot3ly

Volunteer Mentor of the Year – Ed Walter, Revolution
