We're thrilled to share the highlights from our recent rewards assembly, celebrating the achievements of our Year 7 students this Spring Term. From academic excellence to sporting triumphs, our students have truly excelled. We're proud to recognise their dedication and hard work, and we can't wait to see what they accomplish next.

Epraise Prize Draw

Kayden (7H) was the very lucky winner of a smart plug of all prizes and it will be interesting to hear how he uses his new device!


Following a Maths competition on Sumdog we have featured our ‘Top in School’ students – congratulations to Alex, Leo, Sasa, and Lance. 7C were the winners of Top Tutor Group.

Maths Pupils

Spanish Linguists

French Linguists

Sports Stars

Most Improved Tutor Group

7A and 7F showed the biggest % increase in overall conduct from Autumn to Spring and received some chocolate and early access to the canteen to celebrate together.

Ready to Learn

169 students (80%) received an Easter egg for egg-ceptional conduct over the whole Spring Term. A reminder of the high percentage of our students who attend to school ‘ready to learn’.

Top Tutor Group

7G amounted the most Epraise points in Spring and were deserved winners of pancakes with ice cream and hot chocolate with marshmallows.

100% Attendance

Attaining this achievement in today's world is no small feat, and celebrating it can prompt discussion. However, we should still acknowledge those who accomplish it.

Mr J Cretney

Head of Year 7