The inter house cross country competition took place last week. Lower school was on Wednesday and it was a fantastic event. All pupils ran really well in the muddy conditions and were a credit to their house. The overall winners for each year group were William Cowin, Chloe O’Neill, Harley Jackson, Macy McCance, Nathan Cannell and Amelia Andrassi.
The Upper School cross country took place last Friday. Again, there was a great turn out for the Year 10/11 competition. The overall winners were Jodie Vaughan and Ralf Holden in Year 10 and Leah Brennan and Charlie Gibson in Year 11. Luke Phair was the only senior to run this year.
The Inter schools cross country will take place on Thursday 6th December and will be held at Ramsey Grammar.
Overall results
1st Knox
2nd Kermode
3rd Brennan
4th Isdale