On Wednesday 7th February 2017 fourteen students from Ramsey Grammar, St Ninians, QEII & UCM visited local IT business PDMS, Global House, Douglas to enjoy a behind-the-scenes guided tour and an interactive presentation on the roles of being a software developer and a systems analyst. The event was organised by Career Ready, a UK wide charity linking employers with schools and colleges to open up the world of work to young people. St. Ninian's students, Amy Nguyen, Alex Buck and Ben Harris are all enjoying being part of the initiative.

The presentation delivered by Lewis Veale (Software Development Manager), Paul Bourdillon (Systems Analyst), Lorna Trevethan (General Manager) and Chris Gledhill (Managing Director) explained their career pathways to date, what they do in their respective jobs and also the students designed a software programme on ‘how to make a jam & peanut butter sandwich! They were also given the opportunity to practice their networking skills with employees at PDMS.

Chris Gledhill explained that ‘it is important as an IT company to get to know the young ‘techy’ people of the Isle of Man. We are always looking to give opportunities to young & talented people. Lorna Trevethan from PDMS is a member of the Career Ready Local Advisory Board and is the Business Lead for the board and as a company we always try and engaged with the local community’

Career Ready offers an 18 month programme including; masterclasses, a professional mentor, workplace visits and a summer internship that helps students prepare for the world of work. Ramsey Grammar, QE2, St Ninian’s High School & UCM have been working with Career Ready for five years to help students gain the skills, attitudes and experience they need to succeed in their future careers.

Jo Davies, IOM Career Ready Coordinator, said: “It is always fantastic for the students to experience the world of work and to get them out of the classroom. We hope that the workplace visit will inspire the students and motivate them to aim high in their future careers. Thank you PDMS!”

For more information about Career Ready visit: www.careerready.org.uk or contact your local Coordinator Jo Davies via email careerready@online.sch.im or 07624 497355. Recruitment for new the cohort will start September 2018.