Letisha Ellis in Year 8 started to swim with the IOM swim squad in 2014 in the development squad. Over the last few years she has taken part in various events including the IOM Champs, National Para Champs, GB Deaf Champs, Northwest regional and national events. Letisha now holds 9 Great British Deaf Swimming records for age 12 and 13 for various swims in a short and long course pool. Letisha’s dream is to compete in the Olympics one day and also be in the Deaflympics

The European Deaf Swimming championships are being held in Poland later this year and Letisha has been selected to be part of the Great British Deaf Swim team to compete and represent, not just the Isle of Man, but the whole of Great Britain.

Letisha's family have set up a fundraising page and are grateful for any help towards the costs of travelling and entry fees for swimming competitions.

Well done Letisha - a great achievement!