Year 9 student, Imogen Peirce is raising money for Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund by cutting her hair!

Imogen said, 'My friend, and her 13 year old brother, lost their mum to pancreatic cancer in August last year. My friend is 15 and her mum was only 47.

I want to raise money so other families don't have to go through what my friend's family went through.

Throughout my life I have had long hair. I love having long hair but I am prepared to have it chopped off if it means helping others. I have booked the appointment for Saturday 24th March 2018. You get to decide how much of my hair will be chopped off!

So for every £100 donated I will have one inch of hair chopped off. If I can raise at least £700, not only will The Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund be closer to finding a cure, but the added benefit will be that I will donate my hair to The Little Princess Trust to make wigs for children and adults who have lost their own hair in their battle with various cancers. If I raise my target of £1,200 my hair will be sufficient to make a whole wig.'

So far she has reached 51% of her target. If you would like to donate, please find the link below to her JustGiving page.