On Friday we were delighted to welcome the North West Student Recruitment Officer for Lancaster University to talk to both Year 12 and Year 13 students. Jonny Parks spent the day presenting to our Year 12 students about the pros and cons of continuing their education beyond A Level. The presentation offered students an insight into how to choose a university, how they should go about choosing a course, student life, student support and the benefits of gaining a degree; Jonny was both, supportive and informative and gave the students a few ideas to get them started. After the presentation, Jonny spent part of the morning talking to Year 13 students who have applied to Lancaster University this year. He took time out to speak to the students about their options going forward plus helping with any concerns they had. Jonny then spent the afternoon in our Sixth Form Hub, where a number of students had the opportunity to have a one-on-one chat, discussing questions they had about the world of higher education and Lancaster University in particular. All in all a fantastic day and we would like to thank Jonny for taking time out to spend the day with us.
We look forward to meeting him again at the Higher Education Fair in June.
Mr K Schofield
Head of Sixth Form