Rotary Senior Public Speaking Competition Success
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Congratulations to our fabulous public speaking team, who last night won the 2024 Rotary Senior Public Speaking Competition. The team this year was made up of Year 9 students Grace Cilliers as Chair and Catrina McMurtrey, who wrote and delivered a speech entitled ‘The Digital World: To Byte or Not…

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One World Charity Challenge School Final
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Last week we were delighted to host the St.Ninian's One World Centre Charity Challenge Final. It was an interesting evening, reflecting months of research, advocacy and fundraising from each from the groups. The teams, representing Street Child, The Zimbabwe Education Trust, Tree Aid, The Flying Se…

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Senior Netball
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The girls had their final netball matches this week against a tough opposition of Castle Rushen High School. However, The Saints put in a great team effort. It was the most calm, collected and together the girls have played all season. Massive congratulations to them all. They brought the ball down…

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Debate Club
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On Thursday we had a great turnout for our somewhat controversial motion “This house holds that all XL Bully dogs should be destroyed”. Together with some well prepared speeches there were numerous comments and questions from the audience. After which a vote was held and the motion was lost. Thank…

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Year 11 Rewards Lunch
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This week we were pleased to share a Rewards Lunch with Year 11 students. The reward was given to students who had consistently achieved the accolade of 'expert learner' in their recent interim report. Students enjoyed a relaxed lunch of pizza, with 80s rock music as their playlist choice. Well don…

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Fundraising for breast cancer awareness
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Sixth Form Students at St. Ninian’s have held a Breast Cancer Awareness Day last week. Their campaign was ‘On Wednesdays we wear pink… for Breast Cancer Awareness’ They held a cake sale, donated to wear pink for the day and bucket collected around school to raise over £200, which will be split equa…

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Debate Club
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The SNHS Debate Committee were back this week with another interesting and timely motion - “This house holds that deep fakes are a threat to society”. There were some well prepared and informative speeches from both sides, and some interesting issues raised by the audience. The outcome of the vote…

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Dress Down Day - Friday 16th February
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This Friday will be a 'Glad Rags' non-uniform day. Money raised through Glad Rags Days throughout the year supports our epraise rewards and the epraise charity fund. The epraise charity fund is allocated according to student votes at the end of the year for the charities which have been nominated b…

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Thank you to McLaren and Love Tech
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A team from supercar manufacturer McLaren, including former pupil Rob Yates, visited St. Ninian's High School to give young people the opportunity to learn more about engineering careers in the automotive industry. All students got an in-depth tour and walk-around of the McLaren supercar. Students…

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