St. Ninian's Study Clubs
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A reminder that both before and after school we have supervised spaces available for students to access. At Lower School, the Library is open from 8.10am and after school between 3.10pm and 4pm. At Upper School, Room S03 is open from 8.15am and after school from 3.10pm to 4pm. Both study venues are…

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Sixth Form Seminar: What are films without costume?
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For our Sixth Form Seminar on 15th January we are delighted to announce that Samantha Keeble will be joining us. Samantha is a costume designer who works worldwide and lives here on the Isle of Man. She has worked in film and TV for over 20 years after studying at Leeds University and has worked on…

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Maths Ambassadors Pizza Reward Lunch
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Every Monday a number of our students stay after school to help and support other students in our targeted intervention sessions. The peer support program that has been introduced relies on volunteers who are confident mathematicians, have excellent communication skills and maintain a positive atti…

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The Extrav 2024
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Well done to our Senior Prefects (and a few others) who have spent the last few months working on the SNHS end of term Extrav. They did an amazing job of co-ordinating a show lasting an hour and a half, which included live acts, video clips and audience participation. It was a great opportunity for…

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Congratulations to 7B, 8C, and 9B!
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A huge well done to these tutor groups for earning the title of Top Tutor Groups for the Autumn Term! To celebrate their fantastic efforts, they enjoyed a special rewards breakfast together this morning. Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the KS3 Pastoral Team!

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Year 8 100% Attendance for the Autumn Term
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Huge congratulations to our Year 8 students who achieved 100% attendance this Autumn Term – what an incredible accomplishment! We celebrated their dedication with a group photo and rewarded them with a selection box. Mr J. Cretney Head of Year 8

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Bus Vannin Update - School Bus no. 45
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Bus Vannin have been in contact to say that the school service 45 will be affected from the 6th January due to a road closure. The Strang Road will be closed for up to a month, starting from the 6th Jan. This will affect students catching the bus from the Union Mills/ Snugborough area, so students…

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Year 10 Celebration Assembly
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This week we had our Year 10 celebration assembly. Mrs Smart, Pastoral Leader for Year 10, led this giving out a mixture of subject, tutor and Head of Year certificates, along with the Ready to Learn rewards. It was good to be able to celebrate so many achievements with Year 10. Well done!

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Year 12 Ready to Learn Rewards
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This morning our Year 12 students received their Ready to Learn Rewards based on their epraise points. Selection boxes were awarded for having the most points for kindness, effort and contribution to school life. Congratulations to the three top epraise amounts of the Year Group. We were also able…

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