To get any job you need to stand out from the crowd; physics is an excellent qualification that opens many doors. Russell group universities recommend physics as one of the most desirable A Levels, giving you an edge to stand out at job interviews or for university study. You will already be familiar with many of the topics that you will study, including forces, waves, radioactivity, electricity and magnetism. At A Level, you will look at these areas in more detail and find out how they are interconnected. You will also learn how to apply maths to real-world problems and explore new areas such as particle physics, cosmology and medical physics.

Perhaps more importantly, you will develop skills that can be transferred to just about any other area of work, from setting up a business to saving the planet. Even if you do not go on to become a physicist, learning to think like one will help you get to the root of any problem and draw connections that are not obvious to others. Physics will not give you all the answers, but it will teach you how to ask the right questions.

On the course you will be taught by outstanding subject specialists who have a passion for physics and go out of their way to make the course interesting and engaging on all levels.