‘Inspired by the greatest TT rider of all time, Joey Dunlop, Mr Hunter and two of his motorcycling friends set off to Turkey to deliver humanitarian aid to a Syrian refugee camp located just 20 minutes away from the border of the troubled country. Items donated by the Isle of Man community included clothing, bedding, food and items which will be available for use in the temporary ‘tented classroom’. Up to 150,000 Syrian people displaced from their homes have been living in the camps for as long as 5 years.

The trip has been regarded as a ‘resounding success’. The delivery of the aid was so well received, but it’s more likely that the connections made and the friendships built over the few days spent at the camp will be the lasting legacy.

Mr Hunter will be presenting a cheque for over £4,000 to local Motorcycling Benevolent charities thanks to the sponsorship received from the Isle of Man and Motorcycling communities.

Have a look at the video here.