Unit 1 - Novel studyNovel: The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne Students will learn analytical skills, social contextual study, vocabulary and grammar work, summarising, inference, narrative viewpoints, character study
Unit 1
Unit 2 - SurvivalStudents will read a range of fiction and non-fiction texts with the theme of survival. They will practise their comprehension and summarizing skills, complete vocabulary and grammar work, have class discussions and develop effective narrative and descriptive writing skills.
Unit 3 - Poetry
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4 – BBC News Report(working with Computing deartment) This unit will be completed in both English and Computing lessons to complete the BBC News Report Competition. Students will learn how to research effectively and how to write scripts and reports, including the use of Standard English for both speaking and writing. This unit will require the skills of independence and teamwork. Unit 5 - Drama study – ‘Our Day Out’focus on performance and enjoyment of the text – culminating in students picking a scene to perform. Learning focus to begin with will be the context of the play. |
Unit 4
Unit 5
Year 8 - English